Initial letter of Milmedika used as a decoration

About us

Where your health comes first!

Our history

Commitment to the development of pediatrics

Primarius dr sci Milica Kaluđerović dedicated her entire life to the development of Montenegrin pediatrics. After completing her basic and specialist studies in Belgrade, she returned to her native Nikšić. With her knowledge, love for work, and warm and friendly attitude towards patients, she worked tirelessly to improve the prevention and treatment of the youngest patients in the town.

Introduction of modern achievements

Kaluđerović constantly tried to bring modernity and enlightenment to her small environment. Following the latest world achievements in the field of pediatrics, she laid the foundations for the modernization of pediatric practice in Nikšić.


Leadership in a children's dispensary

In addition to being recognized as a strong, charismatic and dedicated doctor, she also had excellent organizational skills. As a very young doctor, she was entrusted with running a children's dispensary in Nikšić, which she performed with great success.

Departure to the children's hospital in Podgorica

Her research spirit and desire for further professional challenges led her to the Children's Hospital in Podgorica. Surrounded by a great team of doctors and inspired by new ideas, she succeeded in establishing a center for neonatology. Today, this center is one of the most representative segments of Montenegrin healthcare.

Visionary steps towards private healthcare

Although she achieved great professional and scientific success, her tireless spirit sought new challenges. Despite the skepticism of family, friends and colleagues, Kaluđerović founded one of the first private health institutions in Montenegro. As a mature doctor, matured in socialism, she visionarily recognized the possibilities of developing private healthcare and set new standards that were previously unknown in our country.