Dr Maja Kavarić, pediatric hematologist

Dr. Maja Kavarić

Pediatric hematologist

Practices in:

Dr. Maja Kavarić, is a pediatrician and pediatric hematologist with extensive experience in treating blood disorders in children. She is the head of the Department of Hematology and Oncology with the Day Hospital at the Institute for Children’s Diseases, Clinical Center of Montenegro.


  • Dr. Maja Kavarić was born in 1963 in Zrenjanin.
  • She earned her medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade.
  • She completed her pediatric specialization at the same institution.
  • She also obtained her subspecialization in pediatric hematology at the University of Belgrade.
  • Her subspecialist thesis focused on immune thrombocytopenia.
  • She is currently working toward a PhD at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Montenegro in Podgorica.

Professional experience

  • She began her medical career working in emergency medical services in Podgorica.
  • Since 1992, she has been employed at the Institute for Children’s Diseases, Clinical Center of Montenegro.
  • From 2012 to 2015, she was the director of the Pediatric Clinic at the Institute for Children’s Diseases.
  • Between 2016 and 2023, she was the president of the Pediatric Association of Montenegro.

Recognitions and academic contributions

  • For her significant contributions to medicine, she was named Best Doctor of the Clinical Center of Montenegro in 2006.
  • She has authored and co-authored around 30 scientific and professional papers presented at national and regional congresses.
  • She has been a speaker at numerous professional conferences, sharing her knowledge and expertise in pediatric hematology with colleagues.