Dr. Milena Lalatović
Family medicine specialist
Practices in:
Dr. Milena Lalatović is a family medicine specialist currently working as a primary care physician for adults at the Primary Health Care Center in Nikšić.
- Born in Podgorica, she completed her secondary education at "Stojan Cerović" Gymnasium in Nikšić.
- Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Montenegro in Podgorica.
- Passed her specialist exam in family medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Podgorica.
Professional experience
- Following her undergraduate studies, she undertook her internship at the Primary Health Care Center in Nikšić.
- Currently she works as a primary care physician for adults at the Primary Health Care Center in Nikšić.
Professional development
- Dr. Lalatović regularly attends professional conferences and seminars in the field of family medicine.
- She has been a participant in numerous international and national medical congresses.
- She actively collaborates with various medical journals.