Dr Luka Vasiljević, Internal medicine resident

Dr Luka Vasiljević

Internal medicine resident

Practices in:

Dr. Luka Vasiljević is an internal medicine resident dedicated to diagnosing and treating internal medicine conditions while continuously advancing his professional knowledge.


  • Born in 1995 in Nikšić, where he completed primary school and high school.
  • Earned his medical degree from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Montenegro, in 2021.

Professional experience

  • Completed his internship at the Primary Health Care Center Nikšić.
  • From October 2021, worked as a clinical physician in the Internal Medicine Department at the General Hospital in Nikšić.
  • Began his internal medicine residency in May 2023.

He actively pursues professional development through seminars, training programs, and medical congresses, staying up to date with modern medical trends and treatment protocols.